AMoCA Collection | Back Field, watercolor, 16" x 22", 2016

AMoCA Collection | Back Field, 2016, watercolor, 16" x 22"

AMoCA Collection | Ghosts, ceramic, 2017

AMoCA Collection | Ghosts, 2017, ceramic

RAIR | 2016-17

Jeff Krueger | Albuquerque, New Mexico

Jeff Krueger is an artist living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  He trained at the California College of Arts and Crafts with Viola Frey, earning his BFA in 1986, and at the Independent Colleges of Arts’ New York Studio Program in 1986, and at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in 1991.   In 1992 Jeff received his MFA from the University of New Mexico. 

Jeff has exhibited his work nationally and received numerous awards including an Arts Midwest- National Endowment of the Arts award in Sculpture.    He has taught or lectured at many art academies or universities in the past 20 years including the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, University of California, Santa Barbara, Royal Colleges of Art in London and Copenhagen.  Jeff has also been offered residencies at Bemis in Omaha, Nebraska, and the International Ceramic Center Skaelskør, Denmark.


“My education and practice as an artist has been distinguished by a diverse application of media and technique, as a ceramicist, sculptor, designer, painter, graphic artist, and installation artist, all of these serving as a means of both rendering the world before me and re-visioning it.  Essentially, I think of myself as an abstract social realist.  I make abstractions which are a form of social or cultural study.  I also make realist works, which portray the abstractions of being human; faith, emotion, desire, language and more.”


Roswell Museum and Art Center

Rair exhibition • Jeff Krueger "Failure is an option, my life with abstractions" April 8 - May 21, 2017